Discovered: Oct 27, 2023 07:27 research!rsc: Running the “Reflections on Trusting Trust” Compiler <- backdoors are easy to write for some value of easy – QUOTE:Modern Security. In many ways, computing security has regressed since the Air Force report on Multics was written in June 1974. It suggested requiring source code as a way to allow inspection of the system on delivery, and it raised this kind of backdoor as a potential barrier to that inspection. Half a century later, we all run binaries with no available source code at all. Even when source is available, as in open source operating systems like Linux, approximately no one checks that the distributed binaries match the source code. The programming environments for languages like Go, NPM, and Rust make it trivial to download and run source code published by strangers on the internet, and again almost no one is checking the code, until there is a problem. No one needs Ken’s backdoor: there are far easier ways to mount a supply chain attack.

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