- Discovered: Mar 25, 2024. 17:40 CSS path using Firefox’s inspector:
ul.locales:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)
is list of localizations for a SUMO KB article https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-mode-thunderbird/show_translations i.e. en-US./kb/<slug>/show_translations
- NOT TESTED (I’ll write a follow up blog post once I have working code) –>The following is inspired by my code from 7 years ago (!) that tested SUMO KB redirects as part of our unsuccessful migration from Kitsune to Lithium.
The better way (discovered after the kludgy way)
- one liner using the unique CSS class name for locale links which in this case is
page = mechanize.get ARGV[0]
results = page.css('.translated_locale').map{ |link| link['href']}
- And then from: https://github.com/rtanglao/rt-li-sumo-redirects/blob/master/test-firefox-focus-android-redirects.rb open the link to see if there is a redirect.
Net::HTTP.start(from_uri.host, from_uri.port,
:use_ssl => from_uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new from_uri.request_uri
request.basic_auth userid, password
response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
response_uri = response['location']
Kludgy initial way
page = mechanize.get 'https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-mode-thunderbird/show_translations'
page.css('.translated_locale').each do |l|
irb(main):201:1* puts l.css('@href').first.value
irb(main):202:0> end
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