Discovered: Nov 4, 2024 06:53 Language Education Is Broken <– QUOTE: One final thing that I want to mention is the widespread belief that it is not possible for an adult to become native-like in a second language. That adult learners will always have an accent and make mistakes. In this case what I have to say is: you’re looking at it backwards. Instead of focusing on the mistakes non-native speakers make or on all the people who have a strong accent, look at the people who learn a second language as adults and manage to speak without an accent (Armando’s Hebrew , Luca’s English). Look at all the correct grammar that every learner acquires without the need for correction. Let’s figure out how the learners acquired that grammar, how the accent-free people learned their languages, and let’s try to replicate that. Instead of sampling 100 people and concluding that becoming native-like is impossible because 99% didn’t make it (as many research papers do), let’s look at the outliers. Let’s study what they did, and maybe then we’ll learn something new. -> See also:

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