The 3 AI Use Cases: Gods, Interns, and Cogs ¦ Drew Breunig
Discovered: Nov 7, 2024 08:50 The 3 AI Use Cases: Gods, Interns, and Cogs ¦ Drew Breunig <– G*ds, Cogs, Interns and Toys seems like a useful framework! –> QUOTE: 1. Gods: Super-intelligent, artificial entities that do things autonomously. 2. Interns: Supervised copilots that collaborate with experts, focusing on grunt work. 3. Cogs: Functions optimized to perform a single task extremely well, usually as part of a pipeline or interface. 4. Toys, a subcategory of Interns defined by their usage by non-experts. Toys have a high tolerance for errors because they’re not being relied on for much beyond entertainment.