Discovered: Nov 10, 2024 19:59 MDN Browser Support Timelines <– the “assembly and iterating” requires humans for now :-) –> See the prompt for the timeline: Web Locks API Browser Support Timeline –> QUOTE: 95% of the code was written by LLMs, but I did a whole lot of assembly and iterating to get it to the finished state. Three of the transcripts for that: Web Locks API Browser Support Timeline in which I paste in the original API JSON and ask it to come up with a timeline visualization for it. Enhancing API Feature Display with URL Hash where I dumped in a more complex JSON example to get it to show multiple APIs on the same page, and also had it add #fragment bookmarking to the tool Fetch GitHub API Data Hierarchy where I got it to write me an async JavaScript function for fetching a directory listing from that tree API.

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