Discovered: Dec 4, 2024 07:15 Nic Morales:: Cost of Convenience, a Wireless Shifting Review - <– can we invent electronic shifting that doesn’t require lithium batteries and complicated and bug prone proprietary software? I think so but there’s no will :-) –> QUOTE: I can’t answer all those questions. And living in a world that has normalized such energy usage is complex. I’m typing this on a computer powered by lithium batteries while sitting next to a phone powered by lithium batteries and being kept cool by a window unit A/C powered by electricity. But if we have to qualify and exonerate every potential criticism of new technologies through the sometimes unavoidable missteps of our current circumstance, we’ll never make anything better. I’m not proposing an unimpeachable solution to the moral and material ailments of our society—I’m 29 years old, I don’t know anything. I’m questioning the unnecessary complication of an activity that has meaningfully improved my life through the inherently revolutionary nature of its existence.

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