Me:: A r🇦pist is a r🇦pist is a r🇦pist and should not hold public office Anna Wharton who should leave s🇺bstack:: What Would A Woman Do To An Unconscious Man If She Thought No-One Would Find Out?
Discovered: Dec 23, 2024 07:47 Me:: A r🇦pist is a r🇦pist is a r🇦pist and should not hold public office Anna Wharton who should leave s🇺bstack:: What Would A Woman Do To An Unconscious Man If She Thought No-One Would Find Out? <– Read the whole thing but here’s a powerful quote that is somehow overlooked by all the USA voters who did the wrong thing: QUOTE: A r🇦pist is a r🇦pist is a r🇦pist.