- Here is my RSS feed :-): http://rolandtanglao.com/feed.xml
- Here is my instagram feed: https://www.instagram.com/roland/
- Here is my flickr feed:
- Here is my twitter
- Here is my Facebook
- Here is my tumblr of bicycle photos
- Here is my opml of blog subscriptions, currently 1205 as of 12 November 2017
- Here is my tumblr of saved links from my RSS reader
- Here are my faved twitter and other links on pinboard
- This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at jekyllrb.com
- You can find the source code for the Jekyll new theme at: github.com/jglovier/jekyll-new
- You can find the source code for Jekyll at github.com/jekyll/jekyll