Probably Wrong Prediction: Autonomous Vehicle 'winter' is coming in less than 5 years for G*link and other AV companies
- “AI winter 2.0”will be “autonomous vehicle winter”, “machine learning winter”, etc, right? Who are the Symbolics, Lucid, Thinking Machines, etc of today?
- Perhaps G*lik? -> “Loblaw Companies Ltd. in Ontario has partnered with Palo Alto startup G*lik to test five driverless delivery vehicles in the Toronto area
- May 2021: Probably wrong prediction: We will have forgotten about outdoor dining by 2025 just like we forgot why steam radiators are so hot
- January 2020: Probably Wrong Prediction: Zero non Zero Emission Vehicles in cities by 2029
- August 2019: Probably Wrong Prediction:-) : WeWork will be gone before 2029
- April 2019: Probably Wrong Prediction :-) : No gas or diesel cars for sale in 2030
- April 2019: Probably Wrong Prediction :-) : No x86 laptops for sale in 10 years
- April 2018 Probably Wrong 2029 Prediction :-) : No self-driving cars and vehicles outside city cores
- March 2018: Probably Wrong 2029 Prediction :-) : No conversational speech recognition with a bot in a restaurant server situation