Fido mobile data is a ripoff if you aren't grandfathered with an unlimited dataplan
[NOTE: Since I don't believe in whingeing :-), this will be my last post complaining about high mobile internet rates in Canada. My last post about this was: Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive | Boris is right.]
I am very lucky to have my grandfathered unlimited mobile data plan from Fido of $50. Last month I used 252 MB of traffic (I am guessing about 75% was transmitting N70 cameraphone 2 megapixel photos via Shozu to flickr and 25% transmitting N70 cameraphone videos MPEG 4 of between 1-3MB each via Shozu to
Here’s how much it would have cost if I wasn’t grandfathered :
- 500 KB plan: $5 + 251 * 30 = $7535
- 5 MB plan: $25 + (252 - 5) * 10 = $2495
- 25 MB plan: $50 + (252 - 25) * 30 = $6860
- 50 MB plan: $75 + (252 - 75) * 30 = $5385
- 100 MB plan: $100 + (252 - 100) * 30 = $4660
I guess the $50 that I pay is a lot cheaper than $2495 or even $7535 that others have to pay, eh :-) ?!?!
Not to mention the fact that you have to pay "4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally" (which I guess includes the US). I don't have to pay this roaming fee in the US with my grandfathered plan.
Very interesting and very depressing for Canadians who actually want to create and share their mobile phone's photos and videos using the mobile internet i.e. without going through the "mobile phone to PC via Bluetooth or USB" chain of pain. Can somebody do the math for Rogers, Telus and Bell? Love to know if they are any cheaper! But somehow I doubt it!
From Options you can add.:
Mobile Internet options Within Canada and the U.S. Combine any of these options with your monthly package. Monthly charge 500 KB $5 5 MB $25 25 MB $50 50 MB $75 100 MB $100 hiptop option - Unlimited data hiptop device required $20 Note Data transmission charges of 4¢ per KB apply for downloads. Options also available without a monthly airtime package (except 500 KB option and hiptop option), in which case, a system access fee of $6.95 per month applies. $5 per month for 500 KB Combine this option with your monthly package 500 KB of data transmission Mobile Internet enabled handset or PC Card required 4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally Each additional MB costs $30 Taxes, international mobile Internet roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top $25 per month for 5 MB Each additional MB costs only $10 Mobile Internet enabled handset or PC Card required You can subscribe to the $25 package alone or you may, except in the case of a hiptop or world PC Card, add it to a monthly airtime package. 4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally Taxes, international mobile Internet roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top $50 per month for 25 MB Mobile Internet enabled handset or PC Card required You can subscribe to the $50 package alone or you may, except in the case of a PC Card, add it to a monthly airtime package. 4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally Each additional KB costs 3 ¢ Taxes, international mobile Internet roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top $75 per month for 50 MB Mobile Internet enabled handset or PC Card required You can subscribe to the $75 package alone or you may, except in the case of a PC Card, add it to a monthly airtime package. 4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally Each additional KB costs 3 ¢ Taxes, international mobile Internet roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top $100 per month for 100 MB Mobile Internet enabled handset or PC Card required You can subscribe to the $100 package alone or you may, except in the case of a PC Card, add it to a monthly airtime package. 4 ¢ per KB while roaming internationally Each additional KB costs 3 ¢ Taxes, international mobile Internet roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top hiptop option - $20 per month Unlimited data To surf, chat, manage your e-mail, stay organized, take pictures and download. hiptop device required Available with the hiptop device only; must be combined with a monthly airtime package. The Unlimited data hiptop option does not include text messages and is subject to certain restrictions. Taxes, international GPRS roaming charges, system access fee ($6.95), and other applicable charges not included. back to top