I disagree with: 'Alexis Madrigal:The Atlantic:The Most Important Self-Driving Car Announcement Yet--Autonomous vehicles will transform urban life by 2020, if Waymo’s time line is correct' yes it will transform dense urban core life by 2029 not 2020 but it won't transform the suburbs
- I disagree with: ‘Alexis Madrigal:The Atlantic:The Most Important Self-Driving Car Announcement Yet–Autonomous vehicles will transform urban life by 2020, if Waymo’s time line is correct’! Especially words like:
"But the qualitative impact will be even bigger. Right now, maybe 10,000 or 20,000 people have ever ridden in a self-driving car, in any context. Far fewer have been in a vehicle that is truly absent a driver. Up to a million people could have that experience every day in 2020.
2020 is not some distant number. It’s hardly even a projection. By laying out this time line yesterday, Waymo is telling the world: Get ready, this is really happening. This is autonomous driving at scale, and not in five years or 10 years or 50 years, but in two years or less."
- Yes, it will transform dense urban core life by 2029 not 2020 but it won’t transform the suburbs and rural places!
- In other words, I stand by my previous post: ‘Probably Wrong 2029 Prediction :-) : No self-driving cars and vehicles outside city cores’