
  • Part 1, Part 2
  • First, here’s the output. The difference from part 1 is that the roughly 600 colournames from the plotrix R package are used so there are 600 values on the y axis not 100K:


csv_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rtanglao/2016-r-rtgram/master/JANUARY2016/january2016-ig-van-avgcolour-id-mf-month-day-daynum-unixtime-hour-colourname.csv"
average_colour_ig_van_jan2016_colourname = read_csv(csv_url)
plot =
    geom_point(mapping = aes(x = hour, y=colourname))
filename = "part3-naive-january2016-ig-van-avgcolour-id-mf-month-day-daynum-unixtime-hour-colourname.png"
         width = 53.333333333,
         height = 29.069444444,
         dpi = 72,
         limitsize = FALSE,
         bg = "transparent"
  • All the dots are black since there is no colour aesthetic.
  • This RScript was invoked as follows:
cd JANUARY2016
Rscript ../part3-create-naive-scatterplot-colourname-hour.R
  • In Part 4, we’ll create a visualization with the dots coloured according to the colour names.

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